#we_love_mohammad_ﷺ_challenge #Boycott_French_Products

#we_love_mohammad_ﷺ_challenge #Boycott_French_Products

we_love_mohammad_ﷺ_challenge #Boycott_French_Products. #The most #hearted and oppressed #Palestinian community of Muslims,Large to small girls are protesting against France President Macron’s anti-Islam statement these are the people who live everyday with mountains of sorrow in their chest but still are ready to die on the Namust of the Lord!!! wslm!

#मुसलामानों की सबसे #ज़िंदादिल और मज़लूम #फिलिस्तीनी कौम, फ़्रांस के रास्ट्रपति मैक्रॉन के इस्लाम विरोधी बयान का बड़े से लेकर छोटी छोटी बच्चियां भी विरोध कर रही हैंये वो लोग हैं जो हर रोज़ गम के पहाड़ सीने में लेकर जीते है लेकिन फिर भी आक़ाﷺ की नमूस्त पर मरने के लिए तैयार रहते है ! #we_love_mohammad_ﷺ_challenge#Labbaik_Ya_Rasool_Allah#Boycott_French_Products

Dhaka, Bangladesh! 🇧🇩❤️“Except the Messenger of Allah.. Thousands demonstrate in the streets of Dhaka, Bangladesh, to protest France’s abuse of the Messenger and the Islamic religion.” – Dr Muhammad Salah#we_love_mohammad_ﷺ_challenge#BoycottFrenchProductsPlease share the post with everyone and make it public!


About 2.7 million people has joined to us, raise your hand for our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wa-Sallam .It’s the time to show our respect and love for him ❤️#Boycott_France🇫🇷#Boycott_French_Products#We_Love_Muhammad_ﷺ❤️#We_Follow_Muhammad_ﷺ❤️#We_Are_Ummah_Of_Muhammad_SAW❤️#We_Hate_France🇫🇷#Love_Prophet_Muhammad_SAW❤#My_Prophet_My_Honor❤#La_ilaha_illallahu_muhammadur_rasulullah#I_Love_Muhammadﷺ#May_Allahﷻ_Destroy_France#May_Allahﷻ_Destroy_Crusaders#Kickout_The_French_Ambassador🇫🇷#Kickoff_The_Embassy_Of_France🇫🇷#The_Dust_Will_Never_Settle_Down_بإذنالله






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