Paytm Maxo Offer Win Free ₹10 or Maxo Gift Hamper

Paytm Maxo Offer Win Free ₹10 or Maxo Gift Hamper

Paytm Maxo Offer Win Free ₹10 or Maxo Gift Hamper. Mosquitoes are one of the most annoying and persistent pests that we have to deal with, especially during the monsoon season. To tackle this problem, Paytm has collaborated with Maxo to bring an exciting offer for its users. The Paytm Maxo Tell a story & Win Free ₹10 Paytm Cashback offer allows users to share their mosquito stories and stand a chance to win a ₹10 Paytm cashback or a Maxo Genius Gift Hamper. Let’s dive deeper into the details of this offer and find out how you can participate and win. Paytm Maxo Offer Win Free ₹10 or Maxo Gift Hamper.

How to Win Free ₹10 or Maxo Gift Hamper from Paytm Maxo Offer?

  1. Download Paytm App: To participate in the Paytm Maxo Tell a story & Win Free ₹10 Paytm Cashback offer, you need to download the Paytm app on your smartphone.
  2. Register/Login: Once you have downloaded the app, you need to register/login using your mobile number and email address.
  3. Find the Offer: After logging in, you need to find the Paytm Maxo Tell a story & Win Free ₹10 Paytm Cashback offer. You can find this offer under the ‘Cashback Offers’ section.
  4. Share Your Story: To participate in this offer, you need to share your mosquito story on the Paytm app. You can either write your story or record a video of it. Make sure to keep it interesting and engaging.
  5. Submit Your Story: After writing/recording your story, you can submit it on the Paytm app. With each submission, you stand a chance to win a ₹10 Paytm cashback or a Maxo Genius Gift Hamper.
  6. Wait for the Results: Once you have submitted your story, you need to wait for the results to be announced. If you are one of the lucky winners, you will receive the cashback or gift hamper in your Paytm account. Paytm Maxo Offer Win Free ₹10 or Maxo Gift Hamper.

FAQs Paytm Maxo Offer:

Can I submit multiple stories?

Yes, you can submit multiple stories and increase your chances of winning.

What is the prize for this offer?

You can either win a ₹10 Paytm cashback or a Maxo Genius Gift Hamper.

When will the winners be announced?

The winners will be announced after the offer period is over.


In conclusion, the Paytm Maxo Tell a story & Win Free ₹10 Paytm Cashback offer is a great way to share your mosquito stories and stand a chance to win exciting prizes. By following the simple steps outlined above, you can participate in this offer and increase your chances of winning. So, go ahead and share your interesting mosquito stories on the Paytm app and grab a chance to win a ₹10 Paytm cashback or a Maxo Genius Gift Hamper.






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