How to Get Befach Diabetes Rice Free Sample

How to Get Befach Diabetes Rice Free Sample

Follow Below step to Get Befach Diabetes Rice Free Sample. Get Your FREE Sample of Befach Diabetes Rice: A Healthy Choice for Everyone. Befach Rice emerges as a game-changer. It’s not just any rice; it’s a Low Glycaemic Index (GI) Rice that not only caters to the needs of diabetic patients but also offers a healthy option for anyone looking to maintain a balanced diet. In this article, we’ll delve into why Befach Rice is making waves and how you can claim your free 400gm sample with a simple and cost-effective process. Befach Diabetes Rice Free Sample.

How to Get Befach Diabetes Rice Free Sample

How to Get Befach Diabetes Rice Free Sample?

Getting your hands on a 400gm sample of Befach Rice is quick and easy. Here’s how you can claim your free sample:

  1. Visit the Trial Page: To kickstart the process, visit the official Befach Rice trial page.
  2. Fill in Your Details: On the trial page, you’ll find a form where you can enter your necessary details.
  3. Choose Your Delivery Option: When filling out the form, you’ll be asked whether you want to pay a delivery charge or share the offer on WhatsApp.
  4. Submit the Form: Once you’ve filled in your information and made your choice, submit the form.
  5. Pay the ₹99 Delivery Charge: If you opt to pay the delivery charge, you can complete the process by paying ₹99 for the delivery of your Befach Diabetes Rice Free Sample.

How to Avoid the Delivery Charge

For those looking to receive their Befach Rice sample without incurring any delivery charges, there are two easy options:

  1. Share on WhatsApp: Simply share the Befach Rice trial offer with five of your WhatsApp contacts. By doing this, you can get your sample at no cost and receive an additional perk – a free mobile popup worth Rs 100.
  2. Collect from the Office: Alternatively, you can choose to collect your trial sample directly from the office, free of charge.


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