Amazon Great Sticker Hunt: Play, Earn, & Win Free Rewards

Amazon Great Sticker Hunt: Play, Earn, & Win Free Rewards

Amazon Great Sticker Hunt: Play, Earn, & Win Free Rewards. Get ready for the exciting Amazon Great Sticker Hunt, where you can earn guaranteed rewards and prizes worth over 20 lakhs! This thrilling game promises tons of fun, as you search for hidden stickers and collect them to win fabulous discounts and prizes. With the Amazon Electronics Sticker Hunt, you have the chance to secure a 10% discount of up to Rs 50 on electronics for two more days. So, let’s dive in and explore how to play the Amazon Great Sticker Hunt Game and make the most of this unique opportunity!

How to Play Amazon Great Sticker Hunt Game:

  1. Click Here & Update Amazon App
  2. Choose your category: To get started, select one of the categories available for the Sticker Hunt. This could be electronics, fashion, home and kitchen, or any other category offered by Amazon.
  3. Spot the sticker: Navigate to the respective category page and keep your eyes peeled for the elusive sticker. Once you find it, tap on it to collect.
  4. Celebrate your success: Congratulations! You have now collected the sticker for Day 1. With each new day, you’ll have the opportunity to find and collect more stickers, increasing your chances of winning bigger rewards.
  5. Complete milestones: Keep playing the game every day and collecting stickers. As you reach specific milestones, you will unlock special rewards, including discount vouchers and exciting prizes worth over 20 lakhs!

FAQs Amazon Great Sticker Hunt:

Q: How long does the Amazon Great Sticker Hunt last?

A: The Amazon Great Sticker Hunt typically lasts for a limited period, so make sure to participate and collect stickers daily. For the Amazon Electronics Sticker Hunt, there are just two more days left to win the 10% discount of up to Rs 50 on electronics.

Q: Can I collect stickers in multiple categories?

A: Yes, you can collect stickers in different categories to increase your chances of winning more rewards and prizes. Make sure to visit each category page daily to find and collect the stickers.

Q: What happens if I miss a day of collecting stickers?

A: If you miss a day, you might miss out on some rewards, but you can still continue collecting stickers on subsequent days to unlock more milestones and rewards.


The Amazon Great Sticker Hunt is a fantastic way to score some amazing rewards and prizes while having fun searching for hidden stickers. With guaranteed rewards and prizes worth over 20 lakhs, there’s no reason not to join the hunt! play every day, and get ready to reap the benefits of this exciting game. Don’t miss out on the Amazon Electronics Sticker Hunt, with just two days left to grab a 10% discount of up to Rs 50 on electronics. Happy hunting!






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