Adsense Stop For AdMob, YouTube, Blogger, and Host Partnerships See Earnings

Estimated vs. finalized earnings: Please note that early next year AdSense will no longer show YouTube metrics. AdMob, YouTube, Blogger, and Host Partnerships See Your Earnings Here. YouTube Ad Earnings No Longer To Display On Google AdSense Reports. The best place to see your estimated earnings and other monetization metrics is the YouTube Analytics Revenue report. Estimated revenue in YouTube Analytics may differ from finalized payments due to final adjustments and is modified at the end of the month to match. Estimated revenue does not include partner-sold or partner-served advertising revenue (you can contact your partner manager if you have questions). More Details

Estimated earnings: YouTube Analytics Revenue report

To see your estimated earnings, use the YouTube Analytics Revenue report. You won’t see your YouTube revenue in AdSense Estimated Earnings.
The Revenue report is available for YouTube Partners who have associated an AdSense account. Earnings data typically displays 24–48 hours after the end of the day, Pacific Time, but may sometimes take longer to appear.

See your Revenue report

Creator Studio Classic

You can go directly to the Revenue report or follow the steps below.
  1. Log in to your Google account.
  2. In the top right, select your account > Creator Studio.
  3. In the left menu, click Analytics > Revenue report.

YouTube Studio Beta

The general trends available in Estimated earnings graph should reflect the finalized data, but we cannot guarantee that the data will not change. The latency for the most recent Estimated earnings data is approximately two days. Because the data is shown before the end of the month, there may be slight adjustments made at the end of the month.

Finalized earnings: AdSense Payments report

You can find finalized YouTube earnings within your AdSense account.
Finalized earnings are not transferred to AdSense until about halfway through the following month (i.e. earnings accrued in June will be transferred to AdSense in mid-July).
Finalized YouTube earnings for the previous month are added to your AdSense account balance between the 10th and 14th of the month and paid out that month if your total balance has reached the payment threshold and if you have no payment holds.

  1. Sign in to your AdSense account.
  2. On the left, select Settings > Payments.
  3. You’ll see your total earnings for the selected timeframe and your last transactions.

Learn more about AdSense payments in the AdSense Help Center.

Other reports in AdSense, such as the performance reports, do not include your YouTube earnings. To view your detailed YouTube financial performance, including daily estimated earnings, use YouTube Analytics.

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